Dear Congressman,
It appears we are not as good at driving cars as we all would like to think we are.
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) did a study that cited driver distractions as the top reasons for car crashes - and ultimately higher auto insurance rates. Here is the list of the distractions they included:
Eating and Drinking - It makes sense that eating and drinking while driving is dangerous, but I would have to assume that 50% of all drivers do it from time to time. The danger comes in when your McCafe ends up in your Mclap, or when your burrito supreme becomes trouser paint, causing you to sweve across three lanes of traffic while hunting for a napkin. Looks like this one is here to stay until we decide to do away with the drive-thru lane at most restaurants.
Using a cell phone - ban them while driving. No bluetooth, no speakerphone, no ESP... just drive the car, alright. You have plenty of time to talk to the other party when you are safe at your destination.
Tweeting - unless you drive with a laptop in your lap (which I would advise you to cease and desist that practice right now) then you are using a cell phone to tweet. See "Using a cell phone" above for guidance in this area.
Reaching for a moving object - this one kind of surprised me. Are there people out there driving around with small mammals roaming around their vehicles? "I'm sorry I hit that other car, Officer, but I was trying to grab the wolvervine on the backseat that kept attacking my badger."
Looking at an object or event outside of the vehicle - again, confusing... I thought the idea of driving was to get rid of all distractions so you can concentrate on objects and events outside of the vehicle. If there is an unusal object or event happening outside, such as a buffalo stampede or a UFO landing, I personally tend to slow down or stop...
Reading - MacBeth Act 2 scene 1
"Is this a dagger which I see before me,"
No, it's a Peterbuilt Semi....
Applying makeup: simple solution to this one is to remove all the mirrors from cars. No one uses them anyway.....
16 years ago
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