Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Someone's gotta go... something stinks....

Dear Congressman,

As you sat at your desk this morning, after shooing off several annoying assistants, I am sure you took a few minutes to scan the local fishwrap, the Washington Post. If you did, you might have seen a story in the TV section by Lisa de Moraes on a new fox reality show tentatively entitled "Someone's Gotta Go".

In summary, the show follows a different small company each week that is struggling in today's economy and has a survivor type session where the employees vote to see who gets canned.

Now personally, I thought that reality TV jumped the shark back in July of 2007, but now it appears that instead of jumping the shark, we are in fact being eaten by the shark.

A reality show that culminates weekly with an individual losing their self respect, health insurance, and ability to feed, clothe, and house their family. As Seth and Amy would say... REALLY!!! So that sounds like a good idea... REALLY!!!!

Why stop there, if Fox is going to see this through then they should follow up the next season with a series on the previous season's losers called: Someone's Who Went... Who's Living in A Tent?". We can humorously follow the participants through their trials and tribulations of spending time at the unemployment office, create a montage of the numerous hours they spend on the phone calling job ads (right up until their phone is disconnected), and nod in recognition of the family tension established between family members when the money starts to run out.

Other people's misery... it's a laugh a minute, right? I mean, after all, it isn't anyone you or I know....

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