Dear Congressman,
Hopefully you had a good Easter weekend, complete with Somali pirates meeting their maker and the Cincinnati Reds shutting out an opponent. Personally I don't know which is more unusual.
But I digress...
Here is something that bothers me. I know it is only a minor irritant in the universe of irritants, but sometimes I would just like this one to stop. I know full well that it never will, for as long as there are people who feel the need to share every life experience possible combined with a seemingly endless amount of free time and a functional keyboard, this will continue.
It is the famous "forward all" of some dribble that is "uplifting". Not to be cynical, but if I want to be uplifted, I will see a plastic surgeon. These are the ones that circulate the internet and some individuals feel the need to share with anyone who has ever had cause to send an email to them in the past ten years.
I am not talking about the funny cat photos or links to youtube videos. Those tend to be rather funny or, at a minimum, bearable....
I am talking about the ones that end with an uplifting message and then tell you to forward to ten of your friends to receive some type of blessing. The factor that the sender has neglected to take into account while sending this to you is that if they are the 12th person to forward this message to ten people, and everyone else followed the instructions and felt the compulsion to forward it to ten different people, then by that point 10 billion people have already received the message... guess what !!!!.... more than the population of the planet....
So if you see a header like this on an email you just received, my advice... just hit delete....Hopefully you had a good Easter weekend, complete with Somali pirates meeting their maker and the Cincinnati Reds shutting out an opponent. Personally I don't know which is more unusual.
But I digress...
Here is something that bothers me. I know it is only a minor irritant in the universe of irritants, but sometimes I would just like this one to stop. I know full well that it never will, for as long as there are people who feel the need to share every life experience possible combined with a seemingly endless amount of free time and a functional keyboard, this will continue.
It is the famous "forward all" of some dribble that is "uplifting". Not to be cynical, but if I want to be uplifted, I will see a plastic surgeon. These are the ones that circulate the internet and some individuals feel the need to share with anyone who has ever had cause to send an email to them in the past ten years.
I am not talking about the funny cat photos or links to youtube videos. Those tend to be rather funny or, at a minimum, bearable....
I am talking about the ones that end with an uplifting message and then tell you to forward to ten of your friends to receive some type of blessing. The factor that the sender has neglected to take into account while sending this to you is that if they are the 12th person to forward this message to ten people, and everyone else followed the instructions and felt the compulsion to forward it to ten different people, then by that point 10 billion people have already received the message... guess what !!!!.... more than the population of the planet....
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Stephanie Miken
To: Kevin Miken ; Kaye DePorte ; Kathy Stori ; Hank Miller ; Bev Mueller ; Bruce Lee ; Jeff Foot ; Melinda Syngen-Smythe Cole ; Wendy the friendly Witch ; Blake Elkart ; Crystal Ships ; John Adams ; John Jay ; Al Hamilton ; Jim Madison ; the entire crew of the USS Boxer ; Mickey's dog ; Mick Jagger ; Mick Donalds ; my cat ; your cat ; anyone with a pulse
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:48:09 AM
Subject: Center of Universe
My boss sent this attachment to me and I thought it was special. I decided to forward it on to you.
If you forward it to ten other people then something wonderful will happen in your life in the next 48 hours.
Ignore at your own peril, as Jonathon Berkson from West Root, Vermont found out when he choose to ignore this email and was subsequently trampled to death by a wild roving pack of Great Danes the next day....
If you forward it to ten other people then something wonderful will happen in your life in the next 48 hours.
Ignore at your own peril, as Jonathon Berkson from West Root, Vermont found out when he choose to ignore this email and was subsequently trampled to death by a wild roving pack of Great Danes the next day....
Love and prayers,
Stephanie Miken

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