Dear Congressman,
In a day that was fairly light on news, I noticed the following that hit the AP wire:
NEW YORK – Miss California USA can retain her crown even though she failed to reveal she had posed in her underwear as a teenager, pageant owner Donald Trump said Tuesday.
Carrie Prejean appeared by Trump's side as he made the announcement at New York's Trump Tower.
Trump also defended the answer that Prejean gave at last month's Miss USA pageant when she was asked her view of marriage by judge Perez Hilton, a celebrity blogger. She said she believes marriage is between a man and a woman.
Only a couple of small issues here.
1. Who cares? She did not win the Miss USA pageant, most likely because of the scores given by the scorned Perez Hilton, and unless her boyfriend/dad/uncle/obsessed fan decides to "gillooly" the actual contest winner, the highlight of Carrie's year will be smiling and waving for hours on end perched on a float in the New Year's day Rose Bowl parade and making personal appearances in skimpy clothing at County Fairs all across the state. And lets face it, who can name the actual winner of last three Miss USA pageants anyway....
2. Kudos to Ms. Prejean for creating a whole new category of marriage. In her answer about her views on marriage, she separated gay marriage from "opposite marriage". Personally, I think some compromise is good in a marriage, but if you treat your relationship like one of you is a Republican and one of you is a Democrat, then ...well... let the bickering commence!
3. How on earth did Donald Trump get his hands on the rights to the Miss USA pageant? This guy gets on my last nerve as it is, but to see him making moral judgements (see Tara Conner fiasco) at highly staged press confereences on behalf of the American public to the world at large has a nausea factor higher than anything ever directed by George Romero. There is nothing quite like "the Comb-over" standing at the microphone passing sentence on 19 year olds and their behavior as if he is the shining Saint of virtue.
4. Perez Hilton????? Your real name is Mario Lavenderia... that has a better ring to it then a parady on an over hyped shop-a-holic and party girl....
There... I feel better now...
16 years ago
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