Monday, March 2, 2009

Boring Poetry

Dear Congressman,

I wrote a poem recently. Thought I would share it with you...

Ode to Fear

Catch the latest wave
As the ocean laps eternal on polluted sands
collect the empty shells of time once was
and see the reflection that isn't visible

Sun yourself in the yellow rays of ignorance
bowing to the bronze gods of yore
slaving goo in a ritual stroke
to protect the substance from the proof

Ignore the sea gulls call
as it mercilessly hunts the ignoble prey
yield not to the temptations of inner hunger
but grieve the thirst that goes unrecognized
lost to a cup already filled with the vile foam
and room enough to await the next tide

1 comment:

Scott Wheeler said...

I linked this to my blog today, Rich.
I'll have to send you your residuals!