I was horrified to recently read in the daily fish-wrap (Cincinnati Enquirer) that you were under

His statement of opposition to your occupation of the party chairs appears to be that he wants to "advance our conservative principles ... in light of what happened on November 4th". Now as someone who has lived in your district and near his district in Southern California, I would not be going out on a limb to state that you probably live in the more conservative district, as Southern California voting consistently Republican is like Darva Conger saying no to a Playboy spread.... just ain't gonna happen....
So I would recommend mailing flyers to all your remaining fellow Republican congressmen with the following:
Dear fellow Republican Congressman,
Here are your choices for Minority Leader:

Picture of Dan Lungren in his younger days.

Picture of my parents right before they beat me for not completing my 5 hours of chores quickly enough after walking home 15 miles from school.

Just an idea.
Anyway Congressman, good luck with your battle...
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