Saturday, October 31, 2009

End of common thought

Dear Congressman,

More poetry for quiet days at the office...

Not lacking in confidence from time immemorial

there exists a vein of thought now cold

an aging forest of moss and pine

remaining warmth fading as its borders trespassed

It houses the coats of the multitude

where talk is inexpensive and words are dear

logic is cheaply purchased and purpose is clear

sold as inclusive while remaining exclusive

but still part of those timbers contaminated by fear

And impending from above this woodland fair

comes the spark of the sky's consciousness

creating flame where there was no fire at all

inciting panic where calm had reigned tall

Bent on a course reckoned not acceptable to pursue

the fire raced through the dry rotted floor

neither tirade nor condemnation nor rhetoric nor hate

could cause this crimson crusade to abate

At the end of its course laid a path unknown

missing judgment, gossip, hatred, and temper tantrums thrown

but leaving an emptiness now missing needed filled

because the beast thou abated has not yet been killed

The fire has subsided and the fear has dimmed

but a slow terror rises through the fauna once green

the understanding is still far from multitudes of believers

as they cling to a conviction held deep but unseen

Because no matter how hard they cling to their faith

the amp does not go to eleven

the good guys are not always good

and the magnificence ended with the seven...

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