Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Open Government, pandora's box style

Dear Congressman,

As you have probably laughed about during your smoke breaks with your fellow congressman out back behind the Capitol Building, the Obama administration started an open government website for comments from the American people. This effort by the administration was discussed today in a New York Times story and helped to demonstrate some of the more important issues being discussed by our fellow citizens in regards to suggestions for better government.

Here's some of the topics raised for discussion...

Idea #594 Remove Marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act - Let's face it, if you open up a forum for discussion of government policy this one will always rear it's head. Nothing new here....

Idea #2071 Open all classified UFO files - Another shocker! There are people in this country convinced that a global-wide governmental conspiracy exists that refuses to release to the public that UFOs and aliens really exist and evidence of them is being secretly hidden. Personally, I have always found that if you tell four people a secret, then it will no longer be a secret to the other six billion world inhabitants within a week. So, if there is evidence of aliens and UFOs and numerous people have been sworn to secrecy over the last seventy years without a serious breech.... all I can say is... well done!!!

Idea #1437 Verify Citizenship Status - I like the reasoning listed with this one...

"the current resident of the White House (the almost certainly fake President) is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, he is not qualified to hold the office of President. Therefore, all orders he has given and all bills he has signed are null and void."

I think the "almost certainly fake" part tips the impartial reader that the writer has a minor bias against the current sitting President of the United States. Does this mean that the first dog is now illegal as well and must be returned to Portugal?

Idea #4060 Executive Order 12986 - According to this post... tell you what... I will let the original post speak for itself...

"Bill Clinton signed over the Grand Canyon to the UN as collateral on our national debt. The UN is functioning under the guise of an environmental group (for our own good). This order allows the UN to take privately owned land and prevents land owners from suing. The UN lays claim to over 60% of the country. This was in the 90's when our debt was lower. What will Obama give away?"

I don't even know how to begin to respond to that one....

Idea #4055 Frankentrees-GMO trees set to be released across America - According to this one, "the pollen in these trees can cause many negative health reactions, particularly with asthmatics and to those with allergies". Yes, we have genetically engineered trees in this country to the point that they can now wash and wax your car while you are watching sports on the television.....

And my personal favorite...

Idea #3797 PUT IN PRISON ALL ACLU LAWYERS THAT FILE RIDICULOUS LAWSUITS TO TEAR DOWN CROSSES OR RELIGIOUS MATERIAL IN THE USA - why you ask... "This has nothing to do with the Seperation of Church and State....They twist everything....They are corrupt and should go to jail..." I hate to be the harbinger of bad news to this person, but if you put everyone whom they disagreed with in jail, you would have to raise income taxes to 80% of all income to pay for all the prisons to house them....

Good stuff, eh congressman!

Many more can be found at http://opengov.ideascale.com/

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