Dear Congressman,
Good to see you on the television the other day as you bashed those law-breaking Demos currently laying siege to the White House for trying to manipulate their own party. After all, manipulating and distorting the Democratic party is a Republican job...
but I digress...
Today I wanted to point out an immanent danger to American as I see it.

This is a picture from an early view of the oil well spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. Since then we have been accorded a live feed of brownish goo replacing tranquil waters of the Gulf of Mexico with unprocessed hydrocarbons. We know this must be a feed from British Petroleum, because they still haven't figured out that the eleventh of May is abbreviated 5/11/10 and not 11/05/2010. Those wacky Brits!

The second image presented for your approval is a nice map of the Gulf of Mexico. As you can see, it is a fairly large body of water, however as 36 million barrels of oil (estimated-to-date) have been unleashed into this pond, you can imagine that there is probably an oil slick the size of small third world country floating around out there. Oil has washed up on Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida so far, with a chance of it migrating to the east coast courtesy of prevailing currents. However this could be changed by an occasional fall visitor to the Gulf.
Meet our friend, the hurricane. Hurricanes usually have their debutante balls between August and October in the Gulf, as the waters of the Atlantic Ocean warm and start throwing these spinning giants at this region. So, if we have a Katrina type category 5 hurricane swing through in mid-August, not only would they have to decouple the well

to unleash more oil, but if the Hurricane made landfall on the US coast between Texas & Florida it would be the first Hurricane in history that delivered devastating winds , torrential rain, and a coat of West Texas Intermediate over a 500 mile area....
Reminds me why I live in Cincinnati...
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